Saturday, February 25, 2012

March for Babies

On April 28th we will be walking in March of Dimes, March for Babies. We will be walking in honor of Marcellus. I like "in honor of" better than "in memory of" even though "in honor" is typically used when it's for someone that is still living and "in memory" is used when it's for someone that has passed away. I like "in honor of" better because he's not just a memory. He's still here, he's still with us, he's in our hearts. He's more than just a memory to me and so I will walk in my son's honor. Our team name is Marcellus's Marchers.

To make things a little more special, the walk takes place on what would be his 6 month birthday. It's going to be such a meaningful difficult day. Even if Marcellus would have lived we would have taken part in March for Babies. We probably wouldn't have done this first one because as a preemie we would have needed to be very careful about exposing him to germs at such a young age.

It will be hard because there will be many family teams walking for their children that lived. Children that are still here. Children that the NICU saved. Children that overcame being born prematurely, even many that were more premature than Marcellus. I will look at those families and feel jealously, envy, sadness for myself. I will also be happy for them, happy that they do not know this. That they were able to walk out of that NICU with their babies in tow. I would never want them to know this, but I don't want to know it either. I just want to be in their shoes. To have my baby in my arms and say, "Look how well he's doing now! Can you believe he was born so early?"

I know there will be families like ours there too. Families with a huge piece missing. I know 2 moms through group that will have teams there. They both lost their sons due to complications from premature birth. One even from NEC, the same thing that took Marcellus's life. We also have the honor of having 2 dads on our team that are a part of this horrible babyloss club with us. Two more children that were born too soon and are no longer here because of it. One who was even taken almost 2 years later. Complications from premature birth can last well beyond the NICU and have devastating effects even once you're at home and think everything will be okay.

They main thing you might think of when hearing the March of Dimes is research on premature birth and helping premature and sick babies. Leading research in these areas is very important. New technologies do give babies born too soon and sick a fighting chance. That technology allowed us to have 12 wonderful days with our son when we could have had none. But the March of Dimes does more than that. They also educate women in pregnancy about premature labor. They help educate and bring comfort to families in the NICU. Having been in the NICU I can tell you that it is a struggle to have your baby there (but worth every single second). Some families may not spend as much time with their babies because they're uncomfortable and uneducated about the NICU. That part of the March of Dimes can help families be there the best they can for their babies. They also have some resources for families that do leave the NICU without their babies.

"The mission of March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. Funds raised in March for Babies support research and programs that help moms have full-term pregnancies and babies begin healthy lives. And they will be used to bring comfort and information to families with a baby in newborn intensive care." - from the March of Dimes, March for Babies.

If you have at all been touched by Marcellus's life and this journey that my family is on please consider supporting our team, Marcellus's Marchers. If the money we raise can prevent even just one family from knowing this pain, then we have done something to honor Marcellus's life. To honor those 12 days with him, 11 of which were absolutely perfect! Marcellus isn't just a memory, his life lives on. His life lives on through what we do with ours. And right now we are focused on raising money for March for Babies to help save babies and give them a chance at life.

Please consider donating, there is no such thing as a donation too small. Any little bit will help our cause and will honor Marcellus. We appreciate every single cent that is donated in his name. It truly makes me proud to be Marcellus's mommy.

To donate and see my personal page CLICK HERE.
To donate and see our team page CLICK HERE.

On both of those pages you will find an abbreviated version of Marcellus's story (with a few more details being on the team page).

To learn more about March of Dimes, visit their page here.
To learn more about March for Babies, find a walk in your area, or join a team, visit here.

If you are reading this I know that in some way Marcellus has already touched your life. As his mommy, that in itself means so much to me. To know that my son lives on, that he did not end that horrible day in the NICU. He is still here. He is still with us and I am thankful I can share him with you.

Marcellus, we are raising money to help babies like you have a fighting chance. To prevent other mommies and daddies from going through what we are. I hope you are proud of Mommy and Daddy. We are doing the best we can for you baby boy. We do this all in your honor. To honor the short but amazing little life you had here with us on earth and the way you continue to live on even though you're no longer here. You are our little warrior, please give us that fighting spirit of yours to help babies and their families. Every step I will take in the walk will be for you. Every step I take every day is for you. I love you my sweet boy, I love and miss you so very much! xoxox


  1. We will be walking every step for Marcellus back here too! Its amazing that he will have teams from coast to coast. Obviously he is a very important little boy!

  2. I think you once wrote to me that you felt bad you weren't doing enough for Marcellus to honor his life. I think you couldn't be more wrong Morgan. Reading your words here about walking for him, giving blood to help another - everything about you is a testament to the love you have for your son and the impact his life has made on yours. He has inspired you and in doing so, has touched more lives than you realize. It doesn't take the ache away, nothing does, but Marcellus is living on through his amazing parents. I may not have met him, but I can't help but feel like I know him and that is because of you.
